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Headache & Migraine

Our headache and migraine specialists are dedicated to helping patients reduce pain and enjoy a happy, healthy life.

Headaches are an extremely common condition that causes pain in the head and/or neck. Although some headaches are mild, others can have a significant impact on daily living. Headaches are complicated - with multiple types, symptoms, approaches to treatment and prevention. Luckily, most headaches are treatable with lifestyle changes and/or medication.

When to See a Neurologist

Whenever headaches interfere with your life, it is time to see a specialist. If you or someone you know suffers from headaches, consider these questions:​

1. Do headaches ever limit school, work, or social activity?

2. Are headaches becoming more frequent or more severe?

3. Do any other problems come with the headaches, such as nausea, visual changes, numbness or weakness?

4. Is there a strong family history of headaches?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES, you would likely benefit from evaluation by one of our neurologists, who are here to make your headaches more manageable and reduce their impact on daily living.

Types of Headaches

There are over 100 different types of headaches. A few of the more common headaches we evaluate and treat at the Kutcher Clinic include:


pain squeezing around

the crown of the head

throbbing pain (usually on one side) nausea, vision changes, sensitivity to light/sound


occurs when a person stops taking a medication they

often used to treat headaches


excruciating & sharp

pain, behind an eye

pain in back of

head, top of neck


(also known as cervicogenic headache) 

occurs after a head injury, with a range of other symptoms




Headache Causes, Prevention & Hygiene

The reality is that preventing a headache is much easier than treating one. Prevention starts with understanding what is causing the headache.

To understand what may be causing the headaches, patients are encouraged to keep a headache diary to help identify trends with weather, food, behaviors, hormone cycles, stress, sleep and exercise patterns. Common headache triggers include:

  • aged cheeses

  • alcohol (especially red wine)

  • artificial sweeteners

  • caffeine (withdrawal or excess)

  • chocolate

  • citrus fruit

  • cured meats

  • dehydration

  • eye strain

  • fatigue

  • lights (bright)

  • menstruation

  • medication overuse

  • MSG (soy sauce)

  • odors (ex: perfume)

  • nuts

  • processed foods

  • salty or sugary snacks

  • sedentary lifestyle

  • sleep deprivation

  • stress

  • weather changes

Lifestyle adjustments, including avoiding or reducing exposure to your triggers, can reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. In addition to understanding your headache triggers, we believe that these "Headache Hygiene Tips" can reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. 


  • drink plenty of water throughout the day

  • most people need 4 - 6 cups of water per day, though some may need more or less


  • excess use and/or  withdrawal from caffeine can trigger headaches

  • alcohol can trigger headaches for some people


  • stress can trigger or increase headaches

  • mind/body practices are effective at reducing headaches


  • go to sleep & wake up at the same time every day

  • avoid naps, excessive sleep or sleep deprivation  


  • eat 3 balanced meals a day with focus on "clean eating" 

  • minimize additives & avoid identified triggers


  • moderate intensity exercise, on a regular basis, can reduce stress & help with sleep 

Headache and Migraine Treatment

Although headaches and migraines may not always be curable, there are treatment options to make them manageable. Treatment is focused on relieving symptoms and preventing a headache. Headache and migraine treatment options at the Kutcher Clinic may include:

  • trigger point injections

  • nerve blocks 

  • Botox for migraine 

  • massage therapy

  • physical therapy

  • dry needling

  • over-the-counter & prescription medications

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